Retirement or end of employment

​​​​​​​​​​​​Is your group insurance coverage ending soon? Don’t worry, you and your dependents1 can still maintain certain benefits. No evidence of insurability or medical tests are required.

Thanks to Health Track Insurance®, you can get affordable individual healthcare coverage without having to provide evidence of insurability—regardless of your age.

Don’t miss your chance!

Apply within 60 days of the date your group insurance ends.

3 options to choose from

Basic healthcare insurance Inclus Inclus Inclus
Higher reimbursement maximums Not included Inclus Inclus
Travel insurance
Vision care, convalescent care and massage therapy Not included Not included Inclus
Optional dental care insurance Not included Not included Inclus

How you can get this coverage

You have 60 days from the date your group coverage ends to apply for your individual Health Track Insurance policy.

For Canadian residents (except Quebec)

Complete the application form and return it by mail to the address in the form's header.

Application form (PDF, 1.1 MB) Opens in a new window.

For more information, contact us at 1-877-647-5235 or by email This link will launch your default e-mail software.4.

For Quebec residents

Contact us at 1-877-647-5235 or by email This link will launch your default e-mail software.4.

Your group life insurance may end or be reduced in three situations:

  • You leave your job
  • You retire
  • You reach the age limit set out in your contract

But you can extend or maintain your coverage by converting it to individual insurance.

Don’t miss your chance!

Submit your request within 31 days of when your group insurance is reduced or ends.

How you can get this coverage

You have 31 days after your group insurance ends to convert it to individual life insurance.


Complete the application form and return it by mail to the address in the form’s header

Request for Conversion (PDF, 1.4 MB) Opens in a new window.

Your group critical illness insurance may end or be reduced5 in the following situations:

  • You leave or lose your job
  • You retire
  • You reach the age limit set out in your contract

However, you can extend or maintain your coverage by converting it to individual insurance.

Individual critical illness insurance only covers 4 illnesses:

  • Stroke
  • Cancer (life-threatening)
  • Coronary artery bypass surgery
  • Heart attack (myocardial infarction)

Individual critical illness insurance only applies to you and your partner. It does not cover children.

Don’t miss your chance!

Submit your request within 31 days of when your group insurance ends.

How you can get this coverage

You have 31 days after your group insurance ends to convert it to individual critical illness insurance.


Complete the application form and return it by mail to the address in the form’s header

Request for Conversion (PDF, 1.4 MB) Opens in a new window.