Authorize dependents to get information about your account

Last update: December 27, 2022

You can authorize your spouse and dependents to get information about and make changes to your account when they call the Client Relation Centre.

You can provide these authorizations on the plan member site and withdraw them at any time.


  1. Log in to your account. Need help logging in?
  2. Click Your account, then Account overview.
  3. In the Consultation profile section, click Edit.

  4. In the Dependents' file section, click the Yes button to authorize your spouse or a dependent on file to speak to Client Relation Centre representatives about your group insurance account.

    Enter their name by clicking Add a person.

  5. Enter the names of all the people authorized to speak to Client Relation Centre representatives about your account.

  6. In the Primary plan member's file section, click the Yes button to authorize your spouse or a dependent on file to speak to Client Relation Centre representatives about your group insurance account.

    Enter their name by clicking Add a person.

  7. Enter the names of all the people authorized to speak to Client Relation Centre representatives about your account.
  8. In the Viewing by the former spouse section, click the Yes button to authorize your former spouse to speak to Client Relation Centre representatives about your group insurance account.

    Enter their name by clicking Add a person.

  9. In the Editing the file section, click the Yes button to authorize your spouse or a dependent on file to speak to Client Relation Centre representatives and make changes in your account.

    Enter their name by clicking Add a person.

  10. Click Next to confirm.
  11. If the changes you've made are correct, check the box to confirm, then click Transmit.